Take charge of your life. Take charge of you. Live a healthier life, be more self confident, move with ease, live with ease, take charge of back pain. Achieve a Balanced Alignment.
This is where you will find Balanced Alignment live Self Esteem course.
This course will pare down to the bare bones of the issue. We will take a direct look at the issue of self-esteem.
Like peeling the layers of an onion, we will get to the nitty gritty of the problem, where it comes from, is it actually true or is it false.
Then we can take a look at what we can do about this problem and work to change it. Changing your self-esteem and begin to unleash your true potential.
During the course you will learn to free yourself from the pain of limited self-esteem thus making better choices.
Lesson 1.
The Meaning & the Face of Self-Esteem.
Identify the thoughts that are sabotaging your confidence and
how to deal with those thoughts.
Exercise One
Lesson 2.
What Exactly Is the Problem?
Discover why we lack confidence.
Discover that missing link.
Exercise Two
Lesson 3.
Where Does the Problem Come From?
What are its Sources?
Is It Actually True?
Is it an illusion?
Resistance to Change
Exercise Three
Lesson 4.
Practical ideas
Stratergies and actions
Emotional confidence building
Exercise 4
Lesson 5.
So what now?
Bringing it all together
Blueprint of your confident self
This is an 5 week course.
Each lesson runs for 1hr once a week via google hangouts.
Upon enrolment you will receive a confirmation message of registration and details for course payment.
You will receive a link to your live self esteem course upon receipt of payment.
Everyone has the power and ability to achieve balance in their lives. What is sometimes hidden is the path we must travel to achieve that balance.
Here at Balanced Alignment we try to signpost that path for you. We do this by providing free and paid for services, articles, E-books, Audio, workshops, and so much more.